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California State University, Fullerton 

Business Administration: Marketing 

Minor: Spanish 

January 2023



Digital Marketing

This course looked at how digital capabilities affect traditional approaches and how the Internet may promote goods, services, information, and ideas. This course taught me how to provide the tools to start a business, advertise it, and compete in the digital economy. I learned to develop an awareness of the contribution of the Internet to business and marketing. Understand the relevant tools and software for Digital Marketing to analyze, evaluate, and critique strategies for incorporating digital marketing into
a marketing plan. Also, I learned to develop a digital marketing plan and learn how to launch a digital marketing business.

Professional Selling

This course provided me with the tools necessary to establish a dialogue with
customers, properly define the customer’s needs and situation, and make sound purchase recommendations that provide value for the customer and their firm. It gave me a better understanding of the differences between traditional sales methods and
contemporary consultative, needs-satisfaction selling methodologies. Improve the ability to sell themselves (personal branding), their ideas, and an organization’s market offering. Demonstrate understanding and ability to develop and present customer-oriented sales presentations.

Marketing Analytics

The goal of this course is to equip me with the required tools and abilities for marketing analytics and strategic decision-making. The content focuses on digital marketing and other important technology tools like Google Ads, Analytics, Big Data Analytics, Spreadsheets, public and professional databases, and specialized software for solving marketing problems like segmentation, targeting, and positioning, media selection, market share estimation, break-even analysis, pricing, sales forecasting, and profit scenario analysis.

Marketing Research

This course's major goal is how to use research methods in marketing management. In order to thrive, both users of marketing research (such as product managers) and providers of marketing research (such as marketing researchers) must have a solid understanding of today's qualitative and quantitative research approaches. This understanding is necessary not just for doing marketing research, but also for critically evaluating marketing research initiatives.

Education: CV
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